Most of Idencia's customers are precast concrete manufacturers located in rural areas. Often, these companies are among the larger employers in their community. Today, many of the local businesses in rural communities have been severely disrupted by COVID-19. This week Idencia will be announcing an initiative designed to help precast producers help the smaller businesses in their communities. We hope you will join us.
We recently read two really positive reports on social media by employees of producers that purchased lunch from local restaurants to help them during the COVID crisis. The employees were proud of their companies for stepping up and appreciative of a nice perk in trying times. We love(!) the idea and that got us thinking about how we could scale it.
Our solution is the Pay It Forward Challenge, an initiative designed to engage individuals and businesses in the pay-it-forward process of receiving a gift and passing a gift of similar value on to someone else. The premise is simple. Small individual purchases can make a big impact when compounded by the network effect. Go viral against the virus, so to speak.
We've created the web infrastructure that enables people to purchase a gift card or order a gift from a local business, send it to another and ask them to pay it forward. Idencia will track the giving and report back to those who have participated. Our intention is that this will make it so easy... and fun... to participate that the network effect will take root.
Idencia will be proactive about reaching out to the precast industry (and beyond) to engage community-minded people. Companies that participate will be highlighted and publicized for their contribution. Precast industry vendors will also be encouraged to support the communities of their customers by joining us. And, Idencia will lead by example:
For every new subscriber through September 30, 2020, Idencia will purchase $1,000 of staff lunches from local restaurants.
But, most important, success will require the participation of inspired individuals.
So, will you use our Pay It Forward Tools and help local businesses in your community? (It feels really good when you do!)

May 2, 2020 11:21:11 AM