We don't usually promote our products or services in the lede of our blog posts, but we are so excited about our new Idencia 101 program that today is the exception. On January 7, 2019, the first group of precasters will start this guided, self-managed program that will leave them skilled in implementing their plants with RFID tracking. They will be heroes for saving money by reducing paper, enhancing inventory management and expediting shipping documentation!
We've received some great questions about the program so we thought we would address them in this post.
We developed the idea for Idencia 101 based on needs we've witnessed. We've always had a great response from concrete manufacturers about the outcomes that are possible from RFID tracking, but there is often concern that implementation will distract them from their work and/or cost a lot. This is understandable because this what they've been conditioned to expect from software.
We addressed both of these concerns by creating a learning laboratory that is self-paced and allows new customers to avoid thousands of dollars in implementation costs. Simply stated, we can get customers implemented at their own pace and at less cost by "teaching them to fish rather than feeding them fish".
We created a list of FAQs that we published on our Idencia 101 landing page, but we have received some other great questions that are worth sharing as well:
Would we have access to all features of your software in Idencia 101?
Participants will have full access to the software and all of its capabilities. Each participant will start by defining a project they want to set up in Idencia. They will then utilize the knowledge resources we provide... text, video, web tutorials... to design and set it up for their own account. We will also assign you a Customer Liaison that will help guide you when needed.
Is hardware included in the cost of the program?
Yes, we provide you with a scanner, tablet and 100 tags as part of what you are purchasing. They are yours to keep.
How much would it cost to fully implement the system after Idencia 101?
Once you complete Idencia 101 there is no other implementation fee required. You are off and running. The only thing we ask is that participants complete all of the modules and demonstrate their competence with quizzes along the way. The program is designed to allow people to learn with a time commitment of just a couple of hours per week so it is anticipated that it will typically take 2-3 months for people to complete. However, it is self-learning, so if you are motivated to invest more time to complete it in one month, you can do that.
How much storage is Idencia able to support during and after Idencia 101?
There is no limit to the storage that is provided to customers in Idencia. Under our pay-as-you-go pricing plan, we charge by the number of product records created, not the amount of storage you require or the amount of information in each product record. This makes it easy to forecast your costs based on the amount of products you produce.
We're excited that this new approach to training will help get new customers up and running more effectively and at less cost than traditional implementation. We are equally as excited that Idencia 101 will also be a great resource for existing customers who want to learn and implement new ways to get more out of their investment. And, the best part is that it is FREE for our existing customers who BYOE... bring your own equipment.
Enrollment for the class starting January 7 ends December 14 and spaces are limited. If your plant has been considering RFID tracking; if you are a customer that wants to become more productive; or if you are a customer who wants to teach new employees... join us!
About Idencia
Our mission at Idencia is to elevate the productivity of concrete manufacturers. We offer precast RFID tracking solutions that improve productivity and offer value throughout the value chain. As a cloud-hosted product tracking system that is seamless between manufacturers, contractors and asset managers, Idencia adds information value to all, eliminates redundancy and saves time.

Dec 8, 2018 12:27:13 PM