Seattle_Tunnel_Project._1.jpgIf a picture is worth a thousand words, a construction video of the new Seattle tunnel project is incalculable. The project, known locally as the SR 99 tunnel, is replacing the above-ground Alaskan Way trestle with a tunnel that will run underneath the city. The video below shows how the contractors are boring the tunnel and installing the concrete rings that line it. An engineering marvel!

Idencia is honored to have been chosen as the concrete tracking service through which every prestressed concrete panel in the precast rings is individually identified and cataloged. With the Idencia RFID tracking system, the Washington State Department of Transportation can associate each panel with the concrete batch from which it was produced. As we wrote in Why DOTs & Railroads Want Concrete Product Tracking, correlating panels with concrete test results will enable preventive maintenance that will save the DOT money and optimize traffic safety. We'll keep posting more videos as they are released!




About Idencia

Our purpose at Idencia is to offer infrastructure asset tracking solutions that improve productivity throughout the infrastructure value chain.. to create lean infrastructure. Our subscription offering applies RFID tracking to infrastructure products from the time of manufacture through end-of-life. As a cloud-hosted product tracking system that is seamless between manufacturers, contractors and asset managers, Idencia adds information value to all, eliminates redundancy and saves time. If you would like to learn how Idencia can help your company, we invite you to download our Idencia Deck by clicking below.


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Jeff Pollock
Post by Jeff Pollock
May 8, 2016 1:56:57 PM
Jeff Pollock is CEO of Idencia, Inc. He has been in the precast concrete industry since joining Idencia in 2015. Jeff is knowledgeable in smart infrastructure and lean manufacturing principles and also authors his own newsletter on LinkedIn called: Connected Concrete.
