It's no secret that the construction industry is experiencing a labor problem. Baby Boomers are starting to retire. Fewer people are entering the trades. Good help is hard to find. All while the industry prepares to address a massive infrastructure overhaul.
With thanks to the folks at, we offer an infographic that provides 25 ways to create a working environment that will attract the most potent segment of the labor force available: Millennials. Written for manufacturing, this applies equally well to all parties in the value chain.
In sum, create a work environment that is collaborative, engaging and allows for as much creative input as possible. This does not mean that systems and structure should be abandoned. In fact, the best systems are constantly evolving through continued suggestions for improvement. Look at the graphic and you will see that Millennials are well suited to working in Lean Manufacturing and Lean Construction environments, both highly structured but demanding participation, accountability and collaborative input from all involved.
Curiously, the recommendations only include a passing reference to the integration of technology (#10 Connective Environment).
Millennials live on technology. Manufacturers and contractors will need to embrace construction technology in 2017 to manage other environmental challenges: margin pressures; high volume; and a shortening construction cycle. Those that do so will be smart to charge Millennials with its implementation since they find technology to be second nature. In the process, these companies will create employment environments that are highly attractive for the creativity, leadership and technology opportunities they offer.
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Our purpose at Idencia is to offer asset tracking solutions that improve productivity throughout the construction value chain. Our subscription offering applies RFID and bar code tracking to products from the time of manufacture through end-of-life. As a cloud-hosted product tracking system that is seamless between manufacturers, contractors and asset managers, Idencia adds information value to all, eliminates redundancy and saves time. If you would like to learn more, click below.
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Jan 13, 2017 9:00:00 AM