We developed Idencia in the firm belief that tracking information about the manufacture and maintenance of concrete products would be of great value to infrastructure project owners.
(Picture credit NPCA)
Being responsible for public safety, they need to know everything they can about the integrity of the structures they build. For years now manufacturers of aircraft have had to maintain information about virtually every part they make for the same reason. It stands to reason that state departments of transportation want to provide the same quality assurance for the public when they travel over bridges and through tunnels.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation has been a leader in pushing for electronic product tracking solutions. We are very pleased to announce that the NC DOT is using Idencia to bring information tracking to the manufacture of its public infrastructure. Starting August 1, the DOT is asking its precast vendors to provide concrete tracking records in electronic form. A copy of the press release can be found on our web site.
In addition to the substantial cost saving to the DOT... and vendors... of eliminating volumes of paper to maintain product records, electronic record-keeping will improve accuracy, simplify access to records and make the inspection process much more efficient. Once an inspector is satisfied with an inspection, an Idencia RFID tag embedded in the structure is scanned and the inspection is complete.
Electronic record-keeping is especially important in North Carolina because many municipal projects are bid to NC DOT specifications. Therefore, the DOT inspects many more projects than just its own. With electronic record-keeping, the results may be accessed on-line through the NC DOT web site.
We have created a reduced- price subscription module of Idencia that will provide precast concrete manufacturers with the features necessary to comply with NC DOT information needs. We've even created a pay-per-use plan that allows manufacturers of small lots for the NC DOT to participate profitably without committing to an annual subscription. (More on this in a later post.)
Of course, we expect that vendors will quickly appreciate the value of concrete tracking to their other customers and the operating efficiencies that will make them more profitable. With fully featured versions of Idencia, manufacturers can produce a status report on any given piece in manufacture; locate any piece in the yard using the built-in GPS tracking feature; and provide logistics tracking to document delivery and acceptance of pieces shipped to the customer. Pictures of the manufactured pieces can be taken and stored during any part of the manufacturing and delivery process to document product quality.
If you would like to learn more about the Idencia concrete tracking solution, we hope you will arrange for a consultation and demonstration by clicking on the phone icon below.

Aug 9, 2014 11:01:00 AM